- All members get one exam from our network of optometrists and ophthalmologists every year.
Your choice from our standard selection of frames. As an added benefit, you can choose a $100 allowance toward the retail value of frames. If the frames cost more than $100, you are responsible to pay for the difference in price.
- For members 21 years and older, 1 pair of eyeglasses are available in a two-year period.
For members 20 years and younger, 1 pair of eyeglasses are available every calendar year.
- If certain prescription requirements are met, single vision and bifocal lenses for your glasses are fully covered.
You must go to an in-network provider to receive vision services.
If you have questions about vision benefits, please call 312-864-8200 / 855-444-1661 (toll-free) / 711 (TDD/TTY).Extra vision benefits and rewards:
- Free LASIK Eye Surgery – Members between the ages of 21 and 50 who meet the qualifications can receive LASIK eye surgery at no cost to them.
*Scheduling appointments It’s very important to keep all appointments you make for doctor visits.